UNBR and CCBE collaborate to integrate the expertise of the legal professionals in joint European projects and to develop professional training

UNBR and CCBE collaborate to integrate the expertise of the legal professionals in joint European projects and to develop professional training

22 mai 2024

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UNBR and CCBE collaborate to integrate the expertise of the legal professionals in joint European projects and to develop professional training

Bucharest, May 22, 2024 – Representatives of the National Association of the Romanian Bars (UNBR) and the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) met to discuss the involvement of Romanian lawyers in joint projects with colleagues from other European countries.

The CCBE delegation, represented by the President Pierre-Dominique Schupp and the Secretary General Simone Cuomo, invited UNBR to participate in the exchange of experience and know-how within the committees and working groups formed around different areas of interest: the rule of law, training, deontology, artificial intelligence, competition law, criminal law, fight against money-laundering, migration and asylum, etc. The increased importance of training the lawyers, in terms of the areas that require deepening and specialization, was also discussed.

The representatives of UNBR, the Honorary President – Călin Zamfirescu, and the Director of the National Institute for the Training and Improvement of Lawyers (INPPA) – Dan Oancea, member of the Standing Committee of UNBR, expressed the commitment of the Romanian lawyers to be highly involved in the activities conducted by CCBE and emphasized the importance of collaboration in areas of law with impact both on the legal profession and on the general public. Constantin Parascho, UNBR delegate with information to the CCBE, also participated in the discussions.

The collaboration will allow Romanian lawyers to share their know-how and expertise with their European colleagues, contributing to the development and harmonization of practices at the European level and the development of strategic areas in the various branches of law. In addition, it will allow them direct access to the latest trends and developments in the field of law and of the legal profession.

CCBE represents the bars and law societies of 46 countries. It is recognized as the voice of more than 1 million lawyers at European level and represents the bars and law societies before European and international institutions

The National Association of the Romanian Bars (UNBR) became 1991 observatory member and in 2007 was admitted as full member of the CCBE.